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Year end report January – December 2016

February 24, 2017

PledPharma AB
Interim information

Year end report January – December 2016

Stockholm, 2017-02-24 08:00 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 
Preparations for the Phase III program with PledOx®

January – December summary

·       Net result for the year amounted to KSEK -38 223 (-43 836)

·       Cash equivalents at the end of the period amounted to KSEK 393 998 (50

·       Cash flow from operating activities amounted to KSEK -36 115 (-51 153)

·       Result per share amounted to SEK -1.3 (-1.5)

Fourth quarter summary

·       Net result for the quarter amounted to KSEK -11 462 (-8 794)

·       Cash equivalents at the end of the quarter amounted to KSEK 393 998 (50

·       Cash flow from operating activities amounted to KSEK -9 344 (-8 953)

·       Result per share amounted to SEK -0.3 (-0.3)

Significant events during the year

·       PledPharma completed a guaranteed rights issue of SEK 406 million in
order to take 
        PledOx® into phase lll

·       PledPharma conducted a constructive meeting with the European Medicines

·       Follow-up data indicates that PledOx® does not negatively interfere
with the anti-cancer 
        effect of chemotherapy

·       PledPharma presented the Phase IIb PLIANT study data at the American
Society of 
        Clinical Oncology (ASCO) cancer meeting

Significant events after the end of the period

·       Gunilla Osswald and Elisabeth Svanberg were elected to the Board of
Directors. Håkan 
        Åström and Sten Nilsson will remain on the board.

CEO comment

In 2016 we decided to develop our main product, PledOx®, towards an application
for market registration. This means that we will start pivotal clinical trials,
i.e. phase III trials in patients with colorectal cancer during this year. The
results from these studies will form the basis for a new drug application (NDA)
to the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) in the US and for a marketing
authorization application (MAA) to the European Medicines Agency (“EMA”) in
Europe and as a base for discussions with potential partners. To finance the
phase III studies up to top-line results we conducted a new rights issue during
the fall. 

The results from the Phase IIb study PLIANT has been met with great interest by
both clinicians and potential partners. The results were presented in June at
the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), by the study's lead
investigator Professor Bengt Glimelius. The follow-up data presented during the
year confirms that PledOx® provides a clinically meaningful reduction of
neuropathy compared with the placebo group. Long-term follow-up also showed
that PledOx® has no apparent negative impact on the anti-cancer effect of the

During the year, we also had a constructive discussion with EMA regarding the
continued clinical development of PledOx® where we received confirmation that
the next development stage for PledOx® is Phase III.  Several potential
partners have, however, expressed a wish for additional studies, with
patient-reported neuropathy as the primary endpoint, before they are ready for
further business discussions. PledPharma has therefore decided to move forward
into clinical development by ourselves and thereby create added value in the

Since last autumn, there are a series of ongoing activities in preparation for
the start of the Phase III studies – that among other things include design of
the studies, regulatory preparations and manufacturing. 

The previous studies with PledOx® were performed in patients with metastatic
colorectal cancer but as we move into Phase III we will, in addition to
metastatic colorectal cancer patients, also include patients treated adjuvantly
for colorectal cancer. These patients have great potential to be cured from
their cancer. PledOx® aims to prevent these patients from receiving chronic and
debilitating chemotherapy induced nerve injury. 

In February this year Gunilla Osswald and Elisabeth Svanberg were elected as
new board members to strengthen the expertise in phase III clinical
development. Gunilla (PhD in Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics) has
extensive experience in preclinical and clinical drug development, in big
pharma and smaller biotech companies and is the CEO at BioArctic AB. Elisabeth
(MD, PhD and associate professor of surgery) has extensive experience from
leading positions at e.g. Bristol-Myers Squibb and Janssen Pharmaceuticals and
is the Chief Development Officer at Ixaltis SA. 

In 2016, we furthermore worked on the preparations for the start of a proof of
principle study with Aladote® - a drug candidate with the potential to prevent
liver damage in connection with overdosing of paracetamol/acetaminophen. The
study aims to identify the possibility to add Aladote® to the existing
treatment for acetaminophen poisoning. 

In 2017, when PledPharma moves into Phase III with PledOx® and furthermore
takes Aladote® into a proof of principle study, this means that PledPharma will
have two potential first-in-class drugs in clinical development. We are
confident that this will create significant value for our shareholders. 

Jacques Näsström, CEO, PledPharma AB (publ)

For more information, please contact:

Jacques Näsström, CEO, phone: +46 737 130 979

Michaela Gertz, CFO, phone: +46 709 26 17 75

About PledPharma

PledPharma develops new drugs that protect the body against oxidative stress –
a potentially debilitating and sometimes life-threatening condition that can be
caused by chemotherapy treatment and following acetaminophen (paracetamol)
overdose. The company's most advanced project PledOx® reduces nerve damage
associated with chemotherapy. A phase IIb study has been conducted and will
serve as the basis for the continued phase III development. The drug candidate
Aladote® is being developed to reduce the risk of acute liver failure
associated with acetaminophen poisoning. 

PledPharma (STO: PLED) is listed on Nasdaq First North. Erik Penser Bank is the
company’s Certified Adviser (tel +46 8 463 80 00). For more information, see 

This information is information that PledPharma AB (publ) is obliged to make
public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Securities Markets
Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the
contact person set out above, at 08:00 CET on February 24 2017



Contact us

Address: Klara Norra Kyrkogata 26, SE 111 22 Stockholm, Sweden

Phone: +46 8 679 72 10

E-mail: [email protected]